Sunday 10 April 2016



Wonders Inside The Meenakshi Temple

Madurai Meenakshi Temple is a structural miracle. When one trips to the highest point of the South Tower to have an elevated perspective of Madurai, one can't yet wonder about the architectural skills of our ancestors.

Meenakshi Temple Is Abode Of  The Triple-Breasted

Meenak-shi was conceived with three breasts. The Pandya lord and the ruler, who were her guardians, were informed that the third breast will vanish when she sees the right man. This happened when she met Lord Sundareswarar (Shiva). Indeed, even today a statue with three breast can be seen in Pudumandapam inverse Meenakshi temple.

Sixty Four Divine Acts

 Shiva performed 64 wonders to spare his devotees in Madurai which are known as 64 Divine Acts. So consistently a celebration is commended in the Meenakshi Temple.
 Maduari Temple is one of the 64 Sakthi kendras (focuses).


There are five musical stone pillars in the sanctuary. One who knows musical notes can play on them with stones. A solitary pillar is isolated into sections or littler delicate pillars. When they are tapped or hit with stones they transmit diverse musical notes like musical instruments.


Close to that Kambaththadi Mandap are tremendous statues of Veera Bhadrar and Bhadrakali. Margarine is connected by the devotees ceaselessly for seven hundred years on this enormous Kali statue. At the point when a Muslim Fakir began building a mosque in sanctuary land disregarding protest from the aficionados, blood turned out from the eyes of this Kali statue. Promptly the fakir halted development. Just to quell the outrage of Kali spread was tossed on her. This has been continuing throughout recent centuries.

Inside-the sanctuary there is a tank where a Golden Lotus is drifting. A huge number of years prior a dealer by name Dhananjayan saw Indra doing Puja with brilliant lotus blooms. In memory of this one brilliant lotus is coasted in the tank. The lotus is the National Flower of India.


 There- is big statue of Lord Ganesh inside the temple. This 6 X 4 feet statue was discovered when the Nayak king was digging the earth for sand and stones for the temple. A big (Mukkuruni) kozukkattai or modak made up of 18 kilo rice and several kilos of jaggery/sugar is offered to it every year on Ganesh Chathurthy day. Kozukkattai or Modak is a steamed rice offering inside which is Puranam made of coconut or other grains.


The- jewellery of Goddess Meenakshi is amazing. Each jewel has a story. This is one of the most expensive collections in India.

There is a fascinating tale around one of the gems of Goddess Meenakshi. Rose Peter (1812 to 1828) was one of the District Collectors selected by the British. One day while he was dozing there was a major thunder storm in Madurai. A young lady showed up before Rose Peter and solicited him to get out from the working at the earliest opportunity. At the point when Rose Peter turned out a major lightning struck and wrecked the building. His enquiries drove him to recognize the figure with Goddess Meenakshi. He was an enthusiast of Meenakshi. As a token of appreciation he made pearl studded brilliant shoes and gave to Meenakshi. Every shoe measures 28 tolas (A tola is roughly 11.5 grams). 412 red stones, 72 emeralds, 80 precious stones and feline's eye, pearls, sapphires four each improved the shoes.


Neela nayaka pendant: with ten major sapphires and 30 sovereigns. 

This was sent to Queen Victoria and brought back. The East India Company sent it to her. The sanctuary records did not toss much light on it.

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