Friday 15 April 2016



Most beautiful places in India but dangerous to visit

 1. Silent Valley National Park, Kerala

most beautiful place but dangerous to visit
silent valley in national park, kerala

Because of a late Maoist assault at Silent Valley National Park in Kerala there has been an extensive decrease in the traveler convergence. The  evergreen forests of the national park is gave with untainted normal magnificence. This valley includes in most amazing places in India but unsafe to visit

2. Aksai Chin,  Kashmir

aksai chin
Aksai Chin ,jammu

Aksai Chin is a cease-fire line, one that divides the Indian-controlled condition of Jammu and Kashmir by the Chinese-controlled region. It lies more toward the east and is recognized as the Line of Actual Control (LAC). It is likewise indicated to as a standout amongst the most risky spots on the planet. 

The scandalous LAC goes through the renowned Pangong Tso Lake in Ladakh. This is most amazing place in India but too daring to visit.

3. Chambal River Basin, Madhya Pradesh

chambal river

The unmatched excellence of Chambal has been for some time ruled by some of India's most notorious bandits, who likewise appeared to have fancied the imagination of Bollywood film producers since quite a while. Notwithstanding, the peril of falling prey to the territorial dacoits is still entirely conceivable and henceforth it's typically stayed away from by voyagers. Chambal waterway is most astounding spot in India yet hazardous to visit

4. Tura, Meghalaya

tura meghalaya
scene of Tura

Tura is about dynamic tribes, beautiful scenes, spouting waterfalls, ghostly limestone holes and unfortunately enough, terrorism. This little town in Meghalaya has been the casualty of the absolute most famous terrorist associations of Northeast since a long while now making it a perilous spot for travellers.  This is most amazing places in India but dangerous to visit.

5. Phulbani, Odisha

phulbani , odisha
Phulbani ,odisha

Around 200 km far from Bhubaneswar in Odisha this splendorous little town is found bragging of enchanting waterfalls and pleasant scenes. It is somewhere else that falls in the red corridor of India influenced by Maoists. This is most miraculous place in India but unsafe to visit.

6. Haflong, Assam

haflong assam
narrow road in Haflong, Assam
Haflong is arranged at just 84 kms far from Silchar which is one more visit destination of India. The eye-getting green slopes and valleys with quick bending water streams are best thing to watch in Haflong. Haflong is likewise distinguished as White Ant Hill of India.This place is an charming town in the heart of NC Mountains in Assam, Haflong faces major difficulty in its tourism sector by activists of various terrorist groups. This is most marvellous places in India but dangerous to visit.

7. Bastar, Chattisgarh

bastar, chattishgarh
Waterfall in Bastar

Home of the Indian Niagara Falls, Chitrakoot, Bastar is a locale in Chhattisgarh with wild Naxalite exercises. The whole locale is weighed down with spots of charming common magnificence however sadly it's additionally one of the essential spots falling in the red corridor.  This  is most amazing place of india but dangerous to visit.

8. Barren Islands, Andaman

most amazing place in india but dangerous to visit
volcano in Barren island

The main dynamic spring of gushing lava in India is situated in the Barren Island of Andaman and Nicobar. You can see super hot magma and smoke emitting from the mouth of the well of lava for a separation inside the security of a little ship. Be that as it may, nobody is permitted to get any nearer to the slope because of security reasons. This is most wonderful place of India but dangerous to visit.
9. Nicobar Islands
most beautiful place but dangerous to visit
Nicobar Island

Unlike the Andamans, the Nicobar Islands are intact and primeval. The forests are lavish and the seashores are dreamlike beyond enlightenment. However, outsiders would require passes to move in the Islands and no tourist is allowed to go in the familial belts unless for some special purposes like research. And even for that one will have to go through difficult procedures. This is most astonishing place of India but dangerous to visit.

10. Manas National Park, Assam

most beautiful place but dangerous to visit
A road in manas national park

You may think that its difficult to trust that an exceedingly advanced untamed life asylum is additionally a spot where terrorist exercises have occurred however it's valid. In 2011, 6 WWF authorities have been abducted by Bodo activists from Manas National Park. Government is as yet making a decent attempt to keep peace and advance tourism of the natural life asylum which is without a doubt a standout amongst the most lovely woodland hold in India.This is most beautiful place of India but dangerous to visit.
